The Daily Facepalm

Get Orbit on your bod! has some great shirts, and has the Orbit pins! Now... what's YOUR DJ name?

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The Daily Facepalm

This is always good for some fun! Brough to you by our shirt and merch collection at (don't let the URL fool you, there are also mugs and other cool things!)

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The Daily Facepalm

At least Orbit let someone know...

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The Daily Facepalm

Orbit likes to gift, "The Cat Who Walks Through Walls."

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The Daily Facepalm

I'm sorry, Dave, not without wet food. Hey! Get your Orbit shirt! - charity skim allocated for the ASPCA, and not Orbit's treat bowl.

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The Daily Facepalm

Cats can be a little arrogant. That said, Orbit gets one plate of wet food for every pin purchased, so head over to and get your Orbit the Cat pin!

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The Daily Facepalm

As always, The Daily Facepalm is brough to you by our merch. Go get a Concellation® shirt at and help us with our expensive donut habits. We're just kidding, we spend it all on wet food for Orbit. Oh, and donating to good causes (though Orbit insists wet food is a good cause).

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The Daily Facepalm

Do as I say, as they say... (then go get a Concellation shirt!

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The Daily Facepalm

Brought to you by Dunning-Kruger University! Visit today to show your superior knowledge!

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The Daily Facepalm

Or, at that, your ability to tell the genuine article from a counterfeit. I know this guy who makes incredible fake souls...

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The Daily Facepalm

Cats aren't indecisive - they know darn well what they want. They just won't let *you* know. Unless they want wet food. Then they'll let you know. Space cats are no different.

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The Daily Facepalm

Check out our merch or I'll post more bad puns! Yes, this is a threat! for pins, lanyards, patches and coins. And tons of killer shirts and mugs at (see a design you like, click on it to see all the kinds of shirts, mugs and other swag).

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The Daily Facepalm

If the rules of physics tell you no, just play a different game... Brought to you by our coins, pins and new lanyard! 

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The Daily Facepalm

I think Orbit is unamused...

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The Daily Facepalm

You go, Tuesday! You're so Fetch!  

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The Daily Facepalm

And when I correct them, I'm the bad guy?!

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The Daily Facepalm

Bacon and eggs takes on a whole new meaning.

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The Daily Facepalm

Let's hear about those summer plans! (And if you're in the other hemisphere... well... sorry :-))

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The Daily Facepalm

Micromanagers are the first up against the wall when the revolution comes! Brought to you by our 2021 Pride Designs! Check 'em out! 

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The Daily Facepalm

Of course, I can take mine off... I wonder how The Mandalorian copes... Brought to you by our outstanding merch! 

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