OMG! 2024!
From the Non-Chair

OMG! 2024!

Concellation® continues to be the place for fans to gather between conventions.

Conventions have returned! But Concellation remains your home between the cons!

The Daily Facepalm

12 years of physics education, and I've never used a day of it other than to make physics jokes. Bad physics jokes.

The Daily Facepalm

Wait... what day is it?!

The Daily Facepalm

Saturday Morning Takeoff...

The Daily Facepalm

If you love Italian progressive rock as much as I do, you can fly with me...

The Daily Facepalm

And you'll never convince me that kale is exciting...

The Daily Facepalm

Who's your inner voice? Mine always seems to be Groot.

The Daily Facepalm

Just the auditions will be epic...

Light and Sound

But hey, some of my best friends are luminaries!

Intelligent Life?

He's not wrong...

The Daily Facepalm

Welcome to the Daily Facepalm!

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VIP Badges!
Non-Convention News
VIP Badges!
Non-Convention News
Non-Convention News
Merch Update
New Merch! Coins, lanyards, pins, patches, and stickers - oh my!
Felicia Day Shouts Out to Concellation
Felicia Day Shouts Out to Concellation
Wil Wheaton Rolls for Charity
Wil Wheaton Rolls for Charity
Wesley Eure Gives Away Swag
Wesley Eure Gives Away Swag